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quotgraphyquot作后缀表示某学科时通常看作可数,如“In China, calligraphy has a long history, is popular among its people, and has maintained a close relationship with Chinese cultural development”“Calligraphy is;calligraphy既可作可数名词,也可做不可数名词1 不可数名词 Calligraphy is the art of producing beautiful handwriting using a brush or a special pen2 不可数名词 Calligraphy is beautiful and artistic handwriting。

calligraphy意思是书法美 k#601#712l#618ɡr#601fi,英 k#601#712l#618ɡr#601fi词典释义n书法笔迹例句1I signed my son up for the calligraphy class this weekend;练习英文书法需要的第一个工具就是笔尖,笔尖在英文书法里占有非常重要的地位,书写的好坏都与笔尖有关系,当然勤加练习也是很重要的。

calligraphy 英k#601#712l#618gr#601fi美k#601#712l#618ɡr#601fin美术字体 书法,笔迹例句1Conventionally, china#39s painting is directly connecting with calligraphy;我很喜欢书法,英语是I like calligraphy very much句子解释like 英la#618k 美la#618kvt 喜欢 与 would 或 should 连用表示客气 想 想要 喜欢做prep 表示属性 像。

翻译是中国书法例句He is good at Chinese calligraphy, especially at the running style他擅长书法,以草书见功解释Chinese 英#716t#643a#618#712niz 美t#643a#618#712。


翻译如下 Calligraphy plays a very important role in the field of traditional Chinese art Calligraphy has lasted for more than 2000 years It has five main ways of writing, each with different writing。

calligraphy英k#601#712l#618gr#601fi 美k#601#712l#618ɡr#601fi生词本 简明释义 n美术字体书法,笔迹 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 同反义词。

书法的英文翻译是calligraphy,作为名词使用,还翻译为笔迹,解析如下calligraphy 英 k#601#712l#618gr#601fi 美 k#601#712l#618ɡr#601fin美术字体书法,笔迹相关短语1。


两个是同义词但是个人觉得penmanship接近于书法字体与日常书写,而calligraphy是指作品类的EXAMPLE calligraphy of fine penmenship。

calligraphy 英k#601#712l#618gr#601fi 美k#601#712l#618ɡr#601fin 美术字体书法,笔迹 例句Needless to say , traditional calligraphy is always done vertically不。

calligraphy 英k#601#712l#618gr#601fi美k#601#712l#618ɡr#601fin美术字体 书法,笔迹 网络 行书 书 草书 After dropping out of his classes at Reed, he sat in on。


1、比如“书画”而不说“画书”,“取纸笔来”而不说“取笔纸来”但是英语就不存在这个问题 quotpen and paper”quotpaper and penquot都表示“纸笔”不用纠结这个问题 英语爱词霸沙龙上看到的中国书画就翻译为 Calligraphy and Pa。


3、calligraphy_百度翻译 calligraphy 英k#601#712l#618gr#601fi 美k#601#712l#618ɡr#601fi n 美术字体书法,笔迹 例句Needless to say , traditional calligraphy is。

4、Calligraphy 名词 beautiful handwriting that you do with a special pen or brushthe art of producing this书法,书法艺术handwriting 名词 1 writing that is done with a pen or pencil,not printed or typed书写。


标签: calligraphy



