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1The Times,是英国的一张综合性全国发行的日报,泰晤士报隶属于鲁伯特·默多克的新闻集团长期以来,泰晤士报一直被认为是英国的第一主流大报,被誉为“英国社会的忠实记录者”2每日电讯报,是英国有影响的。


1Libyan rebels rescued the pilot after he ejected from the warplane whichcame down near benghazi, the uk#39s daily telegraph reported英国每日电讯报称,战机在班加西市附近坠毁,飞行员在坠毁前跳出机舱并被利比。

Kudos to Lewis who quothas uncovered yet another word that shows the vocabulary gender divide and a wider level of everyday sexism,quot says a column from UK newspaper The Telegraph英国每日电讯报在一篇专栏。

电讯报 卫报 本人其实非常喜欢咱们国家的21世纪报,特别适合英语学习词汇,语言都用的非常好,只可惜它的网站不支持全文阅读,不过允许的话在图书馆里借阅或是。

Telegraph Media Group 是英国的,不是周刊,发行报纸,有Daily Telegraph Sunday Telegraph 所谓的 The Weekend Telegraph 是不就是指Sunday的报纸你可以参考 我们这里本地的报纸也是。

be possessed of 生词本 英 bi p#601#712zest #596v 美 bi p#601#712z#603st #652vv占有,拥有 趁 网 络 拥有占有具有 双语例句 1 Pyrites often contain several。

根据驻香港英国领事馆人员估计,现时香港约有 25,000 至30,000名英国人TheBritonswhostayedbehindandthrivedinHongKonghtml 参考资料英國每日电讯报 2009年7。

年份2008 调香师Corinne Cachen 香调花香调 前味紫罗兰叶,葡萄柚,苹果,小苍兰 中味牡丹,风信子,山楂,桃子 后味檀木,琥珀,麝香 图archive01435。

scatter around 分散在 双语对照 例句1Scatter around the poussin, along with the lemon slices and the sweet。


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Pattinson was ranked #10 on The Telegraph#39s list of the 10 Highest Paid Actors, with earnings of #16310 million $16 million from the Twilight moviesMusic Pattinson plays guitar and piano, and com。


给个英文介绍吧呵呵希望对你有用Angus Fontaine is a 37 year old Sydneyborn journalist At age 15, Angus joined News Limited as a copyboy and later became the last of the Telegraph Mirror cadets with。

Olympics #39needs a tsar or legacy will be chaos#39By David Harrison, Sunday Telegraph Last Updated 1156pm BST 07042007 Gordon Brown has been urged to appoint an Olympics quot。

n梦之队最佳阵容最佳组合 复数dream teams 例句American basketball#39s dream team美国篮球梦之队 1Officially this was the US basketball team, unofficially it was the 2But the。

3For women, a black skirt and a blouse with a collar is the order of the 4Mrs Wright is shooting in a smart blue business suit, a pink blouse and。

标签: telegraphuk



