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指的是每个活动的关系,包括开始开始,结束结束,开始结束和结束开始四种;Personal contacts, quotthe older generationquot system Toyota#39s participation in the work order for the new employees become familiar with the new environment, I have put forward quota warm welcome to new employees,quot;就计算机领域中,就是前驱和后继的意思,直接前驱和直接后续,缩写pred和succ;predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r美#712pred#601ses#601rn前任,前辈原有事物,前身古祖先 例句Lefkofsky had some stern words for his cofounder and predecessor quot莱夫科;predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r 美#712pred#601ses#601rn 前任,前辈 原有事物,前身 lt古祖先网络 前任 前驱 前身例句He maintained that he learne;您好,前任如翻译成英文有几种说法Predecessor 前任者 指前拥有此工作或办公室的人前辈 原有事物,前身Predecessor 用法的双语例句The new governor dismissed the staff that served his predecessor新州长将。

一般使用“predecessor”表示公司的前身,在括号中的说明也用“former”例如中信重型机械公司前洛阳矿山机械厂Zhongxin Heavy Duty Mechanical CompanyFormer Luoyang MINING MACHINE MANCFACTOR COLTD而“中信重型机械;那船坞是我们农场一位前辈在一块草地上盖的,草地紧挨着一个供游泳跳水的深水池 句子结构分析sometimes we have our party at the boathouse是主句,sometimes是主句的状语which a predecessor of ours at the farm。

predecessorn前任前辈 forefathern祖宗前辈 基本上无大区别,但forefather通常用于描述某某团体的创始人;补充的Jiangsu, China Mobile Communications Group Limited, which is established in Jiangsu, China Mobile Limited, a whollyowned subsidiary Its predecessor, in 1992 to set up mobile communications companies in;meeting 附association 简明英汉词典E7sEusi5eiFEnn协会, 联合, 结交, 联想 meeting 简明英汉词典5mitiNn会议, 集会, 会见, 会战, 汇合点 明白区别了吗补充predecessor senior是形容词,不能直接形容。


predecessor is the farthest right node of the left subtree nodePtr = nodePtrleft while nodePtrright != NULL nodePtr = nodePtrright else must have gotten here by going right and then;welcome英 #712welk#601m 美 #712w#603lk#601mvt欢迎乐于接受adj受欢迎的令人愉悦的表示感谢的n欢迎,迎接welcome的用法示例如下1His predecessor was accorded an equally;highest level of multisports, but also represent the sport the level of the whole of Asia The predecessor of the Far East Asian Games and the West Asian Games Every 4 years term, with the Olympic Gam;BMW BMW the full title is the Bavaria Auto manufacturer, English is bavarian motor works The BMW Car company#39s predecessor is an Aircraft plant, was established in March 7, 1916, at first made the。


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