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1 of the spouse#39s memory in different species and different individuals and environmental terms, generallyThey are, however, increasingly threatened by human intrusion and poaching Once numbering in the millions。

18 Peng Hua, Xu Zaifu, 1997 The threatened wild plants used for medicine as Chinese medicinal herbs,2010 Validation of the name Chelonopsis chekiangensis Lamiaceae, a species from eastern China Novon 19。

According to IUCN#39s世界自然保护联盟的 recent Red List of Threatened Species受到威胁的物种, the polar bear is listed as a “vulnerable” species that is threatened with extinction灭绝Besides, a。

A rare tree frog, a mudfish and lizards are among the thousands of species threatened byextinction 柏林动物权利保护协会在一份声明中说“真正让我们担心的是,那些濒临险境的动物将会无法繁育后代,而这也会在很大程度上妨碍相关。


March of the Penguins 简介Each winter, alone in the pitiless ice deserts of Antarctica, deep in the most inhospitable terrain on Earth, a truly remarkable journey takes place as it has done for millennia。

12 The spotted owl is a threatened species, not yet an endangered one 斑点猫头鹰是一种面临生存危险的物种, 但是还不是一种濒临灭绝危险的物种 13 We can see a number of rare and endangered species breeding here。


标签: threatenedspecies



