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追问 我的意思是在作第一个意思时这个词组是前面加名词还是后面加名词 追答 be innocent of 这个词组,前面是主语名词,后面加名词比如He was innocent of the crime 他无罪of是介词,后面加名词或带有名词性质的;天真 词典 naive innocent artless puerility simplicity例句我一定太天真了,竟认为我们会得到我父母的祝福I must have been naive to think we would get my parents #39blessing。

was innocent of all charges对所有指控无罪责的 Within, allowed by, or sanctioned by the law lawful合法的法律规定范围内的,被法律允许的或批准的合法的 Not dangerous or harmful innocuous无害的没有;EgAn experienced machanic is in charge of the job一位有经验的机械师负责这工作2照料,照顾,看管,看护 EgMary is in charge of the children玛丽负责照顾这些孩子in the charge of 1由负责,由;3innocent用作表语S+be+~I was very young, and very innocent我那时非常年轻,_字晌拗S+be+~+ prep phraseHe is innocent of the crime他是无罪的S+be+~+to vI#39m not quite so innocent;innocent 是由否定前缀in+单词nocent构成的,nocent是个比较罕见的单词意思为有害的所以innocent的意思就是无罪的,清白的+ofHe was pronounced innocent of the charge他被宣告无罪2无害的 The butterfly is an。


1意思不同 in charge of 通常是“掌管负责”之意,表示主动掌管He#39s in charge of the hospital他主持医院工作in the charge of 表“由掌管负责”之意,表示被动被掌管被负责But sometime;如果你的AC 是指Andy Coulson,那是的,是人名整句意解 Andy Coulson 的检控应被定为无罪无辜;in charge of“管理,看管”in the charge of “被管理,在管理之下”同时in the charge of 也可用in one#39s charge形式例如An experienced worker is in charge of the project一位经验丰富的工人负责这项;无罪的就某一特定的罪恶或罪过无罪责的法律上无罪的was innocent of all charges对所有指控无罪责的 3Within, allowed by, or sanctioned by the law lawful合法的法律规定范围内的,被法律允许的或批准的。


1~ of sth not guilty of wrongdoing 无辜的 无罪的 清白的 They have imprisoned an innocent man 他们监禁了一个无辜的男子 * innocent of a crime, a charge, an accusation 未犯某罪 被指控的罪;was innocent of all charges对所有指控无罪责的 Within, allowed by, or sanctioned by the law lawful合法的法律规定范围内的,被法律允许的或批准的合法的 Not dangerous or harmful innocuous无害的没有危害或;a defendant may be guilty or not guilty of the charges brought In common use, however, owing perhaps to the concept of the presumption of innocence, which instructs a jury to consider a defendant;in th charge of是由某人负责的意思,主语是事物,什么事由谁负责 in charge of 是负责的意思,主语是人,谁负责某事 He was in charge of the company他掌管这个公司 This company was in the charge of Mr Wang;He is proved to be innocent of the charge他被证明是无辜的是被动语态,prove表示什么怎么样,不用被动语态,但是可以用被动语态的像sell一样;英文 complete innocent of the charge2刀切豆腐两面光 拼音 dāo qiē dòu fu liǎng miàn guāng 解释 比喻为人圆滑,两面讨好出处 秦牧艺海拾贝·京剧译名“像那些‘刀切豆腐。



