[newspapersalongwith阅读理解]british newspapers阅读理解翻译

[newspapersalongwith阅读理解]british newspapers阅读理解翻译

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not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work Your own imagination works along with the author#39s or even goes beyond his Your experience, compared with his, brings;3 CAbb” 和 “Ann Landers可能是两个有很多社会经验却没有经过专业训练的人But two of the most famous writers of advice are women without special training for this kind of work和最后一句4 C我们从这段话可;你好!Newspapers, along with reporting the news 报纸,以及报道新闻。

3 A 细节理解题 从短文第2段的第1个句子Every day, we watch or read all kinds of advertisements on TV, at the train stations, in newspapers and magazines, and even on buses and subways 可知故选A 4 C 推理;应该是 in trouble and need advice复数,加S, they write letters for写信发给的介词是TO newspapers or magazines Most newspapers print letters from readers with problems along with the letters there;3 解析选Btake sb along with sb 带某人一起联系前后文,这对夫妻带孩子与他们一起购物C,D项均有一定干扰性,take away 带走take around带人参观,因此可以排除4 解析选B“they put the baby;九年级阅读理解2 Babies love chocolate and sometimes they also eat the paper around it My cat enjoys a meal of good, thick paper, old letters, for example She does not like newspapers very much Of course, the。

[newspapersalongwith阅读理解]british newspapers阅读理解翻译

一用法 along with使用的是就远原则,谓语动词与前面主语一致二基本含义 与一道,与一起,共同,连同,和作伴随着 除外又加之 三例句 1Along with the soaps,The Online Network is suppose;1along with,使用的是就远原则, 连接前后两个主语时,谓语动词应和前面的那个主语保持一致2along with英 #601#712l#596#331 wi#240 美 #601#712l#596#331 w#618#24;People are clearly more cuirous about bad news than good Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants 小的批判性思维的表现 That, however, can lead to significant distortions of;but because it makes your mind work Your own imagination works along with the author#39s or even goes beyond his Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and。

[newspapersalongwith阅读理解]british newspapers阅读理解翻译

53 Which was NOT Sam#39s reason for refusing to take his wife along with him for travel?A He was very busy on his travels B He was unable to look after herC His travels were dangerous for her;3 making sure that the children work only the permitted hours each week,making sure that children learn the repuired subjects,the children get enough rest and play,along with their education第三段,此处。

in his opinion, already received valuable free publicity from the coverage the story received in the newspapers and on television Perhaps the judge had had a good Christmas too1 The tramp was locked in th;纸张通过这种方式,他们了解世界上正在发生的事情然而,有时候,他们没有时间来仔细阅读新闻,必须在头版快看高兴在其他时间,他们可能会在他们有时间,有一个标题标题快看这么着急有请每一位读者的报纸在大。



