[strikingly什么意思]striking suddenly

[strikingly什么意思]striking suddenly

分类:社交聊天软件 大小:未知 人气:167


2、因为目击者提供的线索描述很明显不一样quotc witness 5witnisn律证人, 目击者, 证据, 证明, 证词 vt目击, 为作证, 证明, 表明 vi作证, 成为证据 strikingly adv醒目地, 引人侧目地。

3、Sstrikingly是营销序列其他职务的英语董事长Chairman of the Board总经理General Manager GM副总经理Assistant Manager 部门主管Department Chief, Director, Supervisor财务部经理Manager of Finance。

4、#720rsladj 普遍的,全世界的,宇宙的,全体的,通用的 n 通用原理,普遍原则 例句Music has been called the universal language翻译人们称音乐为世界的语言短语strikingly universal 显然有普遍意义。

5、提问Mmanage是管理序列Pprofession是专业序列 比如财务人力资源等Ttechnology是技术序列,诸如工程师等Sstrikingly是营销序列回答s里又分为s1到s5,具体薪资要根据公司情况而定回答。

6、adv看来显然似乎 一读音英 #601#712par#601ntli,美 #601#712p#603r#601ntli二例句1He went to join his apparently complaisant wife for Christmas他去陪他那貌似柔顺。

7、“斑马”的英语zebra,读音#712zebr#601zebra 英 #712zebr#601 美 #712zibr#601n斑马adj有斑纹的短语 1Leptobotia zebra 斑纹薄鳅 2Zebra Mbuna 斑马拟丽鱼 3Ap。

8、adj 变异的 不同的,相异的,不一致的 多样的 易变的,不定的网络 变体型 变体 变量例句The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra斑驴是一种极美丽的斑马变种其他。

9、evidently, distinctly, patently, clearly, noticeably, obviously, plainly, blatantly, manifestly, conspicuously, strikingly “表面上看,可能地,可行地”释义下的同义词pretendedly, conceivably, seemingly, professedly。

10、anticlimax1the usually sudden transition in discourse from a significant idea to a trivial or ludicrous idea also an instance of this transition 突然降温 2an event,period,or outcome that is strikingly。

11、argument expected 争论的预期 双语对照 例句1If the court#39s decision had been broadly expected, this was a strikingly liberalargument如果当时法庭的决议被广泛接收,这将会是一场声势浩大的关于自由的辩论2I。

[strikingly什么意思]striking suddenly

12、identical twins英ai#712dentik#601l tw#618nz美a#618#712d#603nt#618k#601l tw#618nzn全等双生,同卵双生 identical twin的名词复数 医 单卵性双胎例句1But。

13、someMartianrockstructureslookstrikinglylikestructuresonearththatweareknown为什么选第一个而不是第二个? some Martian rock structures look strikingly like structures on earth that we。

14、new 英nju 美nu, nju 基本释义 adj1新的, 新出现的, 新生产的 2生疏的 新接触的 初来乍到的 初学乍练的 新鲜的 3新买的崭新的 4现代的最新型的 5开始的初始的重新开始的 6。

15、解释他藐视法庭的原因2Most strikingly, andimuthu raja, the cabinet minister who oversaw the 2g telecomlicences, was arrested最引人注目的是负责监督2g电信许可证的内阁部长安迪穆图拉贾已被警方拘捕。

[strikingly什么意思]striking suddenly

16、vt vi拥抱vt接受 信奉 包括 包含n拥抱,怀抱第三人称单数embraces过去分词embraced现在进行时embracing过去式embraced 例句1Chinese consumers are clearly willing to embrace a strikingly gaudy。

17、The longstanding neglect of women#39s education, especially in the countryside, has resulted in a large proportion of female illiteracy, whose negative effect on the nation#39s development is most strikingly seen in ihe。

18、Spot is the unite of grand canyon physiognomy and snowcapped mountains and marshland ecological landscape, there are strikingly outstanding peaks and exotic scene, stream and waterfall, red autumnal leaves and。



