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predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r 美#712pred#601ses#601rn 前任,前辈 原有事物,前身 lt古祖先网络 前任 前驱 前身例句He maintained that he learne。

predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r美#712pred#601ses#601rn前任,前辈原有事物,前身古祖先 例句Lefkofsky had some stern words for his cofounder and predecessor quot莱夫科。


beyond one#39s depthhead exceed动词,例如超过警戒线exceed the warning line surpass动词,例如超过世界先进水平surpass advanced world levels excel动词,例如超过他的前任excel his predecessor。


Predecessor 前任者 指前拥有此工作或办公室的人前辈 原有事物,前身Predecessor 用法的双语例句The new governor dismissed the staff that served his predecessor新州长将前任州长的职员全部解雇Ex ex。

ancestor nA person from whom one is descended, especially if more remote than a grandparent a forebear祖先,祖宗繁衍后代的人,特别是远于祖父辈前辈 A forerunner or predecessor前人,先驱先行者或先驱 Law。

2Beware that it fare not with you as with your predecessor当心不要重蹈你前任的覆辙3Beware,it could hurt if thrown with great vigor但抛撒大米可得小心,用劲大了,会伤着人的4But most of all。

predecessor matrix前趋矩阵preview matrix预看混合, 预看矩阵price matrix价格矩阵primary rational matrix准素有理矩阵prime primitive matrix素矩阵primitive connection matrix原始联络矩阵principal matrix主矩阵product matrix积矩阵。


selfimprovement 英 #716self #618m#712pru#720vm#601nt 美 #716self #618m#712pru#720vm#601ntn在知识地位性格等方面的自我改进,自我提高 例句The manual is。

” “Every has the nine classics for the world country, therefore one of linesEverything Henan stands, then the unhesitating abandonsThe word predecessor rule 跲, in anticipation the rule was not sleepy, in front of。

7It seems that the Far East Games and West Asia Games were the predecessor of the Asian Games看来,远东运动会和西亚运动会就是亚运会的前身了8Jeff It seems that the Far East Games and West Asia。


2,hell of Eurocentric rowing是什么意思rebellion that dogged his predecessor, John Major怎么翻译这个应该是 Eurocentric rowing and rebellion是一起的,意思大概是以欧洲为中心的赛艇比赛和叛乱that dogged his。

it may not correct SSK predecessor very complex, according to Bloor and Barnes stresses that such thinking can be traced back to the 19th century, when Germany, Dr Kan schools have a quotChurch series histor。

4 He has never exhibited the selfconfidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor他从未表现出他前任的那种近乎傲慢的自信5 He waited until all the luggage was cleared, but Paula#39s never appeared。

标签: predecessor意思



