

分类:音乐播放器 大小:未知 人气:187

1、In this way to succeed ,there are only two kinds of people ,one is the successor, the other is the quitter, that’s to say ,there’s no loser in the way to succeed, come on ,everybody, especially ,do the;这只是信手拈来的几个四六级单词,实际上precedent先例也可以用同样的办法记忆,还有predecessor,因为加上了表示“人”的后缀,所以有“前辈”义,successor的前缀“suc”表“在下面”,引申为“在后面”,所以有“继任;拼搏如果是动词放在句子中就用struggle 例句与用法1 许多著名的人物都曾在挫折中奋争拼搏过Many famous men have ever struggled in setbacks2 学生们的助威使这个处于劣势的队伍精神振奋起来,他们努力拼搏,最后赢得。

2、司机的英语quotDriverquot 音标英#712dra#618v#601r 美#712dra#618v#602”chauffeur”音标英 #712#643#601#650f#601r 美 #643o#650#712f#;预言家 英文predictor,seer 意思是对未来的事情做出预报和断言的人;As with 200 years of tradition is the successor division gens last ShiTian later confirmed the father is a teacher, and destroyed but spirit force should LongJiang rain, in many than ishida and 12 solid fighting spirit;It tells the mysterious legend of the quotDevil#39s Big Houndquot that has been circulating in the Baskerville family for three hundred years该作讲述的是在巴斯克维尔家庭中,三百年来一直流传着的“魔鬼般的大猎狗”的。

3、his successor as mayor, Gaby Candia, was charged with complicity in a fraudulent land deal paid for from city funds She was tried and sentenced to jail pending her appeal the first time, MacLean poin;kindergarten 英 #712k#618nd#601ɡɑ#720tn 美 #712k#618nd#601rɡɑ#720rtnn学前班幼儿园The children learn singing, dancing, drawing, and the like in the kindergarten。

4、司机英文drivermotoristchauffeurtruckermotorman 1driver 读音英 #712dra#618v#601r 美 #712dra#618v#602n驾驶员,司机驱动器,驱动程序驱逐者,驱赶者高尔夫球球棒。


5、successor 英s#601k#712ses#601r 美s#601k#712s#603s#602n 接替的人或事物 继承人,继任者例句He set out several principles that he hopes will guide his successo;回答英语中很多单词都有整个家族,名词动词形容词副词,加上不同的前缀后缀就有不同的词性变化意思变化要想彻底掌握一个单词,我们要做的就是整个家族一锅端!家族内所有的单词全部消灭!通过单词家族可以大大提升;successor to the throne 1 一位可能的王位继承人与平民缔结婚约,这种事还只是第二次It#39s only the second time a potential heir to the throne has married a commoner柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典以下例句来源;霸王龙庞大的后代是如何长大的呢?一群霸王龙新物种的发现有助于为这个问题提供线索A flood of new tyrannosaur finds is helping to shed light on how their gargantuan successor developedBrusatte在其中也注释了这么。

6、我替代了他 i am instead of him 或i take his place我取代了他的位置我只是一个后来者 i am just a later 我只是一个替身 i am just a substitute 我只是取代了他的位置,而不是地位i just take his place;读音英 #712m#601ubail f#601un 美 mo#712bil fon移动电话 复数 mobile phones 例句1A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone, fax sender, and personal organizer典型的掌上;The Constitutional Monarchy The political system of UK is constitutional monarchy, a system of government in which a king or queen acts as Head of State, while the ability to make and pass legislation resides;释迦牟尼shì jiā móu ní词典 Sakyamuni, the founder of Buddhism Sakyamuni 例句Maitreya Bodhisattva will be the successor of the historic Sakyamuni Buddha弥勒菩萨将会是历史上释迦牟尼佛的继承者。




